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Choose a passphrase

For MedPlus employees only
If you are a customer, you can not set up a passphrase. Instead you must use a third-party OpenID account (such as from Yahoo!, GMail, etc.) to login to this site.

New user passphrase

This is apparently your first time accessing this system. MedPlus employees may choose a passphrase at this point.

Step 1: Please choose a passphrase.

Help protect the security of this site:

  • No easily guessed passphrases (not too short, no dictionary words, etc.)
  • Do not use the same password that you use at some other non-MedPlus website
  • Keep you passphrase secret, never share it with anybody

email address must be entered exactly as it is listed in the company directory
Human test:
(enter the number in the image)

If you've already completed the above and received an email, you can continue to step 2....