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You are here: Policies

Privacy Notice

These are general usage policies that apply to this entire web site ( If you have questions that are not answered here please contact us.

Who may use this website?

The short answer is both ChartMaxx employees and customers of our ChartMaxx product.
If you are a customer of one of our other products or sevices (besides ChartMaxx) this site is not for you—please visit for information on where you may find support.

This is a private website.
This system is restricted solely to ChartMaxx staff and authorized customers only and may be monitored for administrative and security reasons. The user expressly consents to such monitoring. Any use of this system must be in compliance with Quest Diagnostics policies and applicable laws. Unauthorized users or any unauthorized use may subject the user to criminal and civil penalties under state, federal, or other applicable domestic and foreign laws. This site is operated in the State of Ohio in the United States.

Employees: All current ChartMaxx employees and staff (which may also include certain Quest Diagnostics employees) may access this website. Access is open from within the Quest Diagnostics internal network, unless you are in non-trusted areas such as inside training classrooms. However, some highly sensitive areas may be limited to specific individuals.

ChartMaxx Customers: Only those customers (e.g., hospitals) who have a current and active ChartMaxx Support Contract may access this web site. Additionally, access is only granted on a person-by-person basis, and is not open to the entire hospital staff. Only those hospital staff members who are responsible for operating and managing their ChartMaxx systems or who serve as contact points with us are eligible.

Customer responsibilities:

Privacy and confidentiality policies

These are specific policies which apply to this website.

Confidential data

Much of the data appearing on this website is either confidential or proprietary to Quest Diagnostics, and some of it may also be confidential to our customers. This includes among other things: customer lists, software releases and patches, documentation, and the names and contact information of both ChartMaxx staff and hospital staff.

Unless otherwise stated or with permission from Quest Diagnostics management, information present here should not be disclosed to third parties; with the exception that information about a particular site (i.e., customer-specific data) may, obviously, be shared among the staff within the same customer site when appropriate.

Customers must obtain prior approval from Quest Diagnostics before sharing any confidential information found here with other vendors or outside parties.

HIPAA and patient information

It is our intention that no PHI (“protected health information” as defined by HIPAA) is ever stored on this site. However, it is still possible that some limited patient information may appear from time to time as a consequence of being inadvertantly collected within error logs, screen shots, or so forth. If you ever notice any suspected PHI data on this site, please contact us immediately so we can remove or anonymize it.

Sharing information between customers

As a general rule, customers who access this site can not obtain information about or belonging to other customers.

We may in the future allow some limited forms of information sharing between customers, but if so it will be done on an opt-in basis that gives the customer control over who may see their information.

Privacy of email addresses

This website uses email addresses as a means to identify customers and allow them to sign into this site, or for limited account verification or notification purposes. Any such email sent to you by this website will always come from the “” domain name.

Your email addresses are not used by this website for any other purposes or shared with other organizations (although see the note on sharing information between customers for a possible future opt-in use).

This policy only covers email addresses as used by this particular website. If customers supply the same email address to Quest Diagnostics outside the context of this website, it may be used for additional business purposes.

Passwords and security

Anti-phishing: We will never ask you for your password used to access this site. In fact, most users will not even have a password specifically for this site. We will also never ask you for your passwords to any non-ChartMaxx site, including that of your email provider (such as Yahoo!, Google, etc.). Do not provide your passwords to us or to anybody claiming to be us.

Passwords to access this site: We try not to deal with passwords and all the administrative overhead and security risks involved; both for our safety and yours. Customers will never be given nor can they use passwords to sign into to this web site. Most ChartMaxx employees can access this site without logging in at all, although a few may be assigned passwords to access more sensitive areas.

You are responsible for the security of your account. For example, if you use a Yahoo! account to sign into this website, you are responsible to insure that your Yahoo! account remains secure. This also means that you should not use email accounts that you also share with other people or family members to access this site. If you ever think that your external account has had a security compromise, please inform us immediately so that we may disable the ability for that account to sign into this website.

Be assured that using an external account, such as a Yahoo! account, to sign into this web site does not in any way grant us any access to that account. We can not read your email. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

For more information see how do I login to this site?

Passwords stored on this site: This site may store ancillary passwords or other key-like information; usually to directly facilitate our customer support obligations (such as VPN access codes, etc.). We have tried to safeguard and limit access to these passwords to only those specific individuals with a need to know them (most often our ChartMaxx support engineers).

Website “cookies”

This website uses browser cookies for authentication purposes. The cookies themselves are encrypted and contain no personal data, but do allow us to track individual users while on this website. These cookies are protected so they will never be sent to other websites, and we do not use any third-party cookies.


All activity on this website is recorded and monitored.

Using this website

Website availability

It is our intention that this web site is available at all times. However it may occasionally be unavailable due to administrative maintenance or a variety of other circumstances. We will try to keep any outages to a minimum.

Please note that we are providing customer access to this website as a secondary support service. We hope it is useful. However, customer operations of their ChartMaxx systems and our obligations under our support terms are not contingent upon the availability of this web site.

Accessibility and usability

At this time we can only cater to English speaking users on this website. We hope this is satisfactory for our primarily French-speaking customers.

We have tried to apply sound website accessibility and usability principles into the design of this website. However due to the nature and density of the information presented, this site may be of limited use to those with sight impairment or other disabilities.

Although we are exempt from Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act, we have applied their guidelines where appropriate. Your feedback on accessibility and usability issues or suggestions are welcome.

Web browser requirements

You should be able to use most modern web browsers to access this site (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.); however not all browser versions or combinations are tested. This site has not been designed for use on phone or handheld devices, your experience may vary.

We generally do not require or rely on any browser plugins or extensions. Occasionally some data may be presented as PDF files, which can be read using Adobe Reader, or any other PDF reading software.

If you find a problem using this site with a particular browser please let us know.

ChartMaxx, the associated logo and all associated ChartMaxx marks are the registered trademarks of Quest Diagnostics.

Quest, Quest Diagnostics, the associated logo and all associated Quest Diagnostics marks are the registered trademarks of Quest Diagnostics.